Monday, December 13, 2010

The End

Thinking about what I have learned over the course of this term is difficult to summate. I know that this course has provided a wealth of information to me concerning reference materials; selecting, evaluating and maintaining it, I will need to go back and record all the websites that were shared. So many great ones!! The idea of reference as information, an information process, and as a guide were also made clear. Getting to know your clientele and their needs concerning reference materials will be so important as the cost of materials continues to sky rocket while the budgets are reduced. Our discussions concerning cost and availability of certain resources and the use of online resources was also very valuable.  I know there will be a major learning curve on the job, trying to put things all together.  Finally, I enjoyed completing the projects (evaluate a reference and change a teacher) as well, because it gave me an opportunity to put myself in the situation as a teacher librarian, and work to find solutions.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the discussions and to my partners in assignment three, for their efforts. Have a great holiday!

Online indexes

I found a reputable site of bibliographic resources called 
It professes to be the world's largest network of library content and services. It contains references, links, and full text articles, videos, audio files, for all the physical items you are used to getting at the library. The site is very easy to use, and the few items i chose on elementary topics, kangaroos and eclipse provided several results for books, articles, videos and music. They also give a preview feature for some of the books, so you can experience it first hand, before buying it for the collection.

I also liked the site academic info, which was a bibliography for sites on the web. It had some excellent links to Children's picture book database, education place (K-8), eduPuppy, (pre - gr.2), lesson plans page, theme related resources on the world wide web.

Online Encyclopedias

I chose to evaluate the Encyclopedia Britannica for Kids. As a TOC, I am hoping to get a position in an elementary school, and thought it would be valuable to chose a resource for that age group. Britannica also had a free seven day trial offer to browse the website, so I was able to do the evaluation from home. 

Accuracy: The Association for Library Services for Children, recommends Britannica in its 2006 Notable Computer Software for Children award category, stating, “Always reliable, this updated edition of Britannica does not disappoint.” 
Britannica also placed first in the “Top Ten Reviews” online review site for encyclopedias online. 

Authority: The Kids online site contains a reference library for elementary and secondary student use. Each level contains an encyclopedia, dictionary, thesaurus, timelines, a research organizer, audio clips, videos and web links. There are also games and activities that support information found on the website. 

Currency: The website information is updated daily and and there is a section for individuals to submit their own content, which would be approved by Britannica. The content information is updated as necessary, I could not find an exact timeline for review and deletion of materials. 

Format: The home page contains sections on daily information (important people, featured video, Britannica highlights, animal of the day and a featured game), activities related to specific curriculum areas; English, math, science and social studies, reference tools for help with reports and research, and a section for parents. It is very easy to peruse and contains lots of interactive content and eye catching pictures. It was noted in some of the content areas that most of the information given is simply text and no illustrations (contrary to high interest sections which were loaded with pictures). This might not be a downfall of the site, since most students would be using it for research, and not “surfing”.

Indexing: The home page begins with a large search box for three separate resources; Student Encyclopedia, Children’s Encyclopedia, and Dictionary/Thesaurus. One is also able to browse various categories, such as; arts, geography, religion, sports...
It would appear the focus is solely American, as the few searches I did for local information came up with no results. (ie. Nanaimo, BC. ferries, 1887 Vancouver Island mine explosion) Each successful search contain information with related information, MLA and APA style citations, a table of contents, and a link to the Merriam-Webster’s student dictionary.

Objectivity: I entered the word “afro” as a test word for content areas on objectivity. Forty four search results appeared, none to do with hairstyles. Most were articles on famous people in the Africa American community, some on music, colleges, and the Black Revolt.

Scope: The Encyclopedia Britannica, is an easy to use resource for students of Elementary and Intermediate ages. Its format appears a bit young for senior high students, but the information would still be appropriate reading level.


Some of the inherent problems with print versions of dictionaries are; lack of use (they grow more dust layers than the leaves on the fake plants), outdated too quickly for the cost (replace every 5 years?? they are only cheap enough to buy once they are already 2 years old, inappropriate reading level (is it for the intermediate grades or secondary, what if my school is K-7? or 8-12?), information is separate from the index (how do I share one index with 30 students in a class, and not find them off task?). Also, all of the information is presented in the print version on a level playing field. No one topic would draw a students attention unless it contained an interesting photo. 

Essential special dictionaries would include; a English-French dictionary (and other languages if a secondary school, such as German, Japanese or Spanish), a thesaurus and rhyming dictionary, topical dictionaries for vocabulary such as Harry Potter, skateboarding, and medieval terminology. 
As for telephone directories, they are cumbersome paper wasters. Often the numbers are difficult to find in the yellow pages, or not updated in the white pages. 
My guess at the teacher librarian's essential directory would be SLiP.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Where am I at??

I am realizing that after a semester of LIBE 467, that there is a lot to know about reference resources. As a prospective librarian, I wouldn't have guessed that both print and online resources are so important. Although, to me it would appear that the strength of your library collection is based on your knowledge and passion for that information. These days, a book shall go unturned and a website left unfound unless there is a confident guide to lead the way.
I am grateful for all of the references that were passed along in this course, and would like to somehow document them in a more organized fashion for future use. I imagine that once this course has finished and I am no longer enrolled, that these valuable links will not be available to me. The blog has been a fantastic idea for documenting our work and thoughts, and collecting the important stuff. I must reference a couple of other blog contributors that I came across in my journey that sparked my interest in the technology side of the job, and seem to have an eye on the next decade.

The Top 25 Librarian Blogs

1. Never Ending Search – Winner of the “Best Librarian Blog” category for the 2009 Edublog Awards, this blog-version of the School Library Journal updates librarians and book geeks with social networking tips and interesting literature-related videos. SLJ is internationally known as “the world’s largest reviewer of books, multimedia, and technology” for youth.
2. Bright Ideas –  Runner-up for the “Best Librarian Blog” award, this blog is written by the School Library Association of Victoria, and educates readers on how to use technology in schools and libraries.  Also included on the site are various audio tools, and book reviews.
3. The Daring Librarian – This blog was the second runner-up as the “Best Librarian Blog” for the 2009 Edublog Awards. Posts are unique, colorful, and entertaining, and cover all aspects of librarian issues such as technology news and tips, Facebook, Twitter, and politics.
4. The Dewey Blog – Yes, there is even a blog dedicated to Dewey Decimal Classification systems. Readers get weekly updates on how to catalog certain book items on library shelves. You can’t get more librarian than this!
5. No Shelf Required – Blogger Sue Polanka from Wright State University Libraries writes specifically on the use of e-books in libraries, and discusses various related issues such as licensing, and the latest business models.
6. Social Networking in Libraries – This blog is packed full of lists, videos, and technology facts comprised by librarian/network marketer AnnaLaura Brown. Some of the posts include “50 Ways Librarians Can Make A Living Without a Job,” and “A to Z of Libraries of the Future.”
7. Peter Scott’s Library Blog –  Authors, books, international libraries, and technology news are only some of the post topics included on this blog. Author Peter Scott is not only the creator of the first electronic browser for Internet resources (HYTELNET), he is also a musician and Juno Award winner.
8. Resource Shelf – These daily posts are dedicated to the latest in librarian news, statistics, and topics concerning budgeting and staffing issues, and technology. The group of authors who write on this blog also produce a weekly newsletter.
9. What I Learned Today –  Coined as one of the Library Journal’s Movers & Shakers for 2007, author/writer/library association member Nicole C. Engard educates readers on librarian issues, and provides weekly updates on the latest in news and technology.
10. The Travelin’ Librarian – Although this blog focuses on various issues and topics concerning the future of libraries, such as copyright laws and technology, author Michael Sauers, who is the Technology Innovation Librarian for the Nebraska Library Commission, still manages to make his posts personal and entertaining by including comics, pictures, and videos.
11. The Law Librarian Blog – This blog is written by a group of authors who are employed in a variety of  librarian fields. Posts are based more on statistical facts and polls, with a specific focus on law.
12. The Association for Library Service to Children Blog – Humorous, entertaining, and also informative, posts on the blog are dedicated to the latest in library news, lectures, and programs. The ALSC serves as a network of more than 4,200 librarians, children’s literature experts, publishers, and faculty members.
13. Library Link of the Day – The main page may not look like much, but each day the author posts one link to a book or library news article in a simple, yet unique format. Blogger John Hubbard is a Senior Academic Librarian at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
14. Library Garden – This blog is a great discussion medium for those who feel flustered about the future of libraries. Topics can be political, (such as the latest in budget cuts), and also cover the latest in technology issues concerning eBooks and iPads.
15. In the Library with the Leadpipe –  Full of interviews, statistics, and information, readers of this blog can get educated on various political and technological issues affecting the future of libraries. The blog is written by six different librarians as well as various guest authors.
16. A Librarian’s Guide to Etiquette –  These posts range from how prepare for job interviews, comical tips on how to keep your library quiet, or how to entertain your students. (For instance, if students are drifting off during your library instruction class, the blogger suggests that you can always “lower the lights, turn up the heat, and consider getting a mentor to coach you through the intricacies of mass education.”
17. Tame the Web – This blog serves as an educational tool for librarians itching to learn more about the latest in librarian and technology news.  The posts are interactive, informative, and entertaining, and various pictures and videos are included in the content.
18.  Librarian By Day – Both informative and entertaining, this blog is authored by librarian/teacher/book nerd Bobbi L. Newman. Newman has presented at various local, national, and international library conferences concerning the use of digital services in libraries.
19. TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home – With a specific focus on technology and ebooks, this blog is a great site for those who want to learn more about technology, and how it is changing the future of libraries. The blog’s history goes back all the way to 1992, and posts are written by a number of different authors.
20. The Blah, Blah, Blah Blog –  Posts on this blog tends to have more of a focus Florida libraries because it is written by the staff of the Northeast Florida Library Information Network. However, this blog is still a great resource for any American librarians who want to get the latest updates on workshops, seminars, and webinars.
21.  Closed Stacks – Posts on this blog are as entertaining as they are informative. Written by a group of bloggers who all work in the librarian field, posts tend to have more of a focus on the latest in technology and social media news, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
22. Handheld Librarian – This blog educates readers on the latest in “handheld” computer news, as well as a number of different issues concerning the future of libraries. The several authors of this blog work in various library-related fields, so the post topics are diverse and can range from digital libraries and librarian tips, to iPads and iPhones.
23. The Shifted Librarian – This blog is full of interesting history facts, related librarian articles as well as some personal pictures.
24. Connie Crosby – Authored by a Canadian law librarian and “info diva,” posts range from social media topics, legal research, and technology issues. This blog won a Canadian Law Blog Award in 2008, and was also a finalist for the same award in 2007 and 2009.
25. David Lee King – With more of a personal edge, David Lee King’s blog focuses on the future of digital technology and libraries, as well as the latest news, statistics, and trends in social media and politics. King currently works as a Digital Branch and Services Manager at the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library, but he is also a musician and songwriter.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Been There Wiped That!

Talking about the importance of multi media with another student in class, and considering how I might incorporate it into assignment 3 on change a teacher.  Wanting to do something with the internet and perhaps blogging. Seems that there are so many untouched resources using technology, and somewhere there has to be a starting point. Today for example, I was thinking about catch phrase slogans, and how reliable they are in our society at getting people’s attention and keeping the thought of the product or service in their mind.  (What would I name my blog??) I saw this particular web ad for a non profit group who organize baby sales “Been There Wiped That”, its there company and domain name. Can’t get the name out of my head, and can’t wait till they have their sale in February. Good thing that it wasn’t heard with a jingle or I’d really be in trouble.
Anyways, getting to the point of how important it is to “get their attention”, referring to students and staff in our schools. Half of the problem is the fact that we have a difficult time getting them in the door these days, let alone actually looking for something. What happened to the times when you’d wander in to look at new titles, grab one or two off the shelf, and peruse for awhile? NO TIME, I guess. 
Anyway, I make it my pledge to create a couple of good catch phrases annually for the library to draw in the ones that haven’t stepped through the door yet. Maybe one that is related to an event going on, or a mystery contest, or a holiday social, or just to say hello.  How about “T’is the season... read, relax, enjoy!!”  

Sunday, November 7, 2010

online atlas reviews

Who would have imagined that there would be so many sources for atlases. Yet it became evident that not all sources are of an acceptable quality or for children and youth. I have chosen two online sites in Riedling’s Webliography that seemed to me, less popular than others. Of these, I found not similarity to the atlases I used in grade school and high school. Times have definitely changed with the addition of “interactive zooming” and real time satellite images of locations. 
The Lonely Planet
A first glance this site truly looked like a travel site and not an atlas site. Headings on the home page listed areas such as hostels/hotels, shop, and travel deals. There was a banner for advertisements, and I also notice after a short time, a set of scrolling images pan through one called, “Naked Places: best places to get undressed”. Highly unsuitable for a elementary web user. I was a bit turned off, and thought this would be my thumbs down site. 
But as I continued to explore, the site began to show its flavor; exciting and interesting information and facts on all types of places around the world. The home page was easy to read and navigate, with a clear map of the continents, that lead to galleries of pictures, top destinations, and copious amounts of detail about locations. The article linked to the “Naked Places” had some curious stories about places where nudism was used to generate an event or symbolize a belief. For example in Antarctica, “nudies dash – steaming and screaming – from the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station to the geographic pole (which is marked with a pole, of course) and back.” The links to top destinations included links to fast facts like currency and population, things to do, when to go/weather, history, practical info, and a printable google maps link for roads.
Currency of the site seemed excellent. It included a travel advisory to people going to Jakarta because of volcanic ash that was spewing on the capital today. 
Excellent site as Riedling said. I think the reading level would be a bit high for elementary, but the intermediates would enjoy the fast facts and picture galleries.
The second site I chose was called Maps on Us at
This would be my thumbs down site if I was looking for something to garner interest and excitement.  It began with a simple, mostly white home page. It seemed obvious that it was a map site, but mainly for acquiring directions. I thought this might turn students off, since most would not be looking for driving distances, and highway turnoffs. There was a large interactive world map, but it was very slow to load, and didn’t really ‘zoom’ as quickly as one would hope. I noticed about half way through my perusal that it said it provided directions for the US. Therefore, I shouldn’t have been surprised moments earlier when I typed “Nanaimo” into the search bar without success.  
I also found the tabs on the home page ineffective. The ariel view and “bird’s eye view” tabs provided exactly the same information, and the search bar at the top was not labelled as such. The topographical views looked much like you would find on Google Earth, but did not zoom nearly as much as Google Earth (to see the cars on your street). When I finally did get around to requesting a US location, it did not have the information on“Fargo, North Dakota”.  Seriously??  That’s pretty much when I gave up on it.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Article Review #3 School Libraries and Student Achievement in Ontario

School Libraries and Student Achievement in Ontario
The Ontario Library Association
(a study done by Queen’s University and People for Education)
As the push for higher achievement on large scale literacy and numeracy tests continues, and as school libraries are subjected to public education financial cuts, how much commitment has been made to maintain quality library programs in schools?
The study preformed by Queen’s and People for Education linked positive student achievement to the presence of professionally staffed and accessible school libraries.
Over 50,000 students, mainly from grades 3 and 6, in over 800 Ontario elementary schools with trained and untrained library staff were assessed.  The results of the study made it imperative that resources and staff in school libraries are integral parts of the new policies to improve student achievement in Ontario. Also noted in the study were the following findings; grade 3 and 6 students in schools with teacher-librarians were more likely to enjoy reading and in schools with teacher-librarians, grade 6 students were more likely to attain a level 3 or higher in standardized reading tests.  On the other hand, schools with untrained library staff, or no library staff, tended to have students score lower achievement levels than their counter parts. Thirdly, positive reading behaviors lead to higher math and science results, and larger schools tended to have higher reading enjoyment scores when they had a teacher-librarian present.
“It has been demonstrated that, when librarians and teachers work together, students achieve higher levels of literacy, reading, learning, problem solving, and information and communication technology skills.”  FLA/UNESCO School (p2)
A variety of other interesting points were identified in the study. One focus in particular discussed how studies done by US individuals found that 90% of the difference in test scores was due to ability and background, while 50% of student achievement was attributed to socio-economic factors. The Ontario study, concluding that a 5% difference could be made in student achievement by integrating a quality library program, proves quite a valuable piece of the solution.  Other discussions in the study included the evaluation done by Keith Curry Lance, who identified that students in US schools with well staffed, well stocked and well funded libraries were likely to score 10-25% higher on standardized tests. And the data in Alberta and British Columbia, which highlights that library staffing is declining rapidly, as funding is reduced and money is being allocated to alternate programs.  
Queen’s University and Education for the People (2006), School Libraries and Student Achievement in Ontario. Ontario Library Association, Toronto, Canada. 

Article Review #2 Trends in Print vs. Electronic Use in School Libraries

Trends in Print vs. Electronic Use in School Libraries
by Scott Lanning and Ralph Turner

To mark the release of the 2nd edition of Essential Reference Services for Today’s School Media Specialist (Canning and Bryner 2009) two librarians from the Gerald R Sherratt Library in Southern Utah University, Cedar City Utah, completed a comparative survey on print vs. electronic reference sources. 
They also recognized a comparison between academic and school libraries, using these two resources.  In their research, they chose to take detailed data of the use of print and electronic sources at the academic level (B.A., Masters, PhD) and surveyed the use at the school level (grade school and high school).  And in their resolve they found that electronic sources are favored at all levels in both types of libraries.
 At their own academic library in 2009, Gerald R. Sherratt Library, they found that electronic databases were used 16 times more often than print circulations. (663,785 electronic - 41,950 print) . The same inference and comparable data was found at other academic library levels, regardless of accreditation. But there was a realization that the higher the level of education the more print sources were used. 
“The more in depth the research needs, the greater the percentage of book use”. (p 213) 
Does this mean that higher levels of knowledge and information are found in print sources, or that more confidence is instilled in print sources compared to electronic sources for evidence serving a higher level of academics? Does this mean the reference collection at the academic libraries is more adequate than that found in school libraries, where reference resources do not serve the needs of its population? Or is it simply that people prefer one format over the other?
In school libraries, again the use of electronic resources drastically outweighed the use of print resources.  The print resources still can not compare with “enhanced searching, a wider range of sources and multimedia materials”. (p 217) But, it was found that the lower the academic level of the students and the smaller the size of the school, the more print sources were used. (p 217) Considering the fact that smaller sized schools might have less people to draw from, and thus smaller budgets, does it mean they produce a clientele with a lower GPA, and an environment which is not moving toward the importance of technology in education?  Regardless of school size, and wealth, schools must be aware of the draw towards media, and media tools for students. They must be willing to accommodate individuals from all walks of life, age, ethnicity with electronic resources.
Trends in popular electronic resources include Google, Ask and Bing. All three of these resources cater to individuals who appreciate an easy to use search box, colourful graphics and an endless amount of results for each query. They make it difficult for popular print resources such as World Book Encyclopedia, Compton’s Encyclopedia, and an assortment of biographies, dictionaries, almanacs and atlases to compete. These print resources are organized, available at different reading levels and can be found in every library, but they are also cumbersome, often outdated and do not lend to the “one click” response. Put simply, use of printed resources is dissolving. The one solid reason why they are still in use is because individuals are not trained, or savvy enough to use electronic resources. “Resources have changed, as have the tools and skills needed to access these resources”.
Therefore it is not only the job of the teacher-librarian to organize and administrate. It is a responsibility to provide and engage library users with new types of search engines, web portals, and specific resource sites. We are creating life long learners, and not consumers of the past. “ We seek to teach and inform, for we know that now more than ever, information literacy skills are vital in creating a better student and enlightened citizen” (p 219).


Lanning, S & Turner, R. (2010). Trends in Print Vs. Electronic Use in School Libraries. The Reference Librarian, 51:212-221. 2010. Taylor & Francis Group LLC

Article Review #1 Motivating the Lifelong Reading Habit Through a Balanced Use of Children’s Information Books

Motivating the Lifelong Reading Habit Through a Balanced Use of Children’s Information Books  
by Ray Dorion
Information books inspire!!  This article discusses the advantages of using quality children’s information books to encourage more students to read. It also provides practical ideas for teacher librarians (and teachers) to help motivate young readers. He begins by explaining that information books can be used for pleasurable reading or for research, but that several studies have identified their role to increase student reading interest and reading preference. (Monson & Sebesta 1991, Morrow & Gambrell 2001 and Sanacore 1992). 
Traditionally, teachers tend to use narrative text for instruction, and illustrations to engage readers. The interest and excitement over information books is rarely established. What Dorion hopes for, is a balance between fiction and information books, as equal tools for teaching literacy. (p40)  Researcher, Louise Rosenblatt (1989,1991), suggests that there are two reasons for adopting information (truth or fiction). An “efferent stance (the search for information), and the aesthetic stance (a relation to reading through thoughts, feelings and personal experiences)” (p 41).  Literacy teachers must teach students how to see a text from both perspectives, then the student will not  automatically look to an information text for research information, and a novel for entertainment. From my experience, “The Guinness World Book of Records” is the one place you can read from both perspectives, without trying too hard. 
Not until the 1960’s did children’s information books become ”legitimate literary forms”. (p44) And since then, many prestigious awards have been created to recognize the value of information texts for children. It has been recognized, that just like fictional writers, information advocates have since begun to draw attention to the importance of their work. Russell Freedman (1992) explains that the key to a quality information text is “to pursue that elusive quality called ‘truth’” (p42), which prompts a sense of exploration and discovery in an information book. This quality is also parallel to the essence of a fictional story book, that shares feelings and ideas that inspire and motivate. (p42)  Also, Dorion explains that it is not necessarily the awards, pictures or content of books that catch the attention of young readers. They are drawn to certain types of literature due to the enthusiasm a respected adult has shown towards it. If the same attitudes are felt by teachers towards information books, “we know our students will quickly follow our example (Hickman 1983) (p 44). It also works to survey student interests and ensure those topics are included in text selections.  Respect their interests and give them opportunity to increase their reading proficiency levels. 

Some strategies to encourage reading information texts include reading aloud and providing shared and individual reading activities. “We read aloud; we read along; we read alone (Cooper 2002) ... we read a lot” (p 44). Learners need direct instruction, but they also need practice. Browse through information books with students, but also provide and highlight for independent investigation. As a teacher librarian, one must use  displays, posters and location to drawn attention to information books. Introduce them in book talks with classes and use reading records or contests. Incorporate book buddies (older readers) to read together, organize author studies, create projects to write and publish their own information text, pictures, graphics, cover design, table of contents, and bibliography. Also in addition to information books, Dorion suggest newspapers, magazines and websites are excellent sources to encourage “information “ reading. 
Dorion, R. (2003). Motivating the Lifelong Reading Habit Through a Balanced Use of Children’s Information Books. University of Prince Edward Island, Canada. School Libraries Worldwide. Vol. 9, Number 1, 2003, 39-49.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Reference Interview

As Riesling mentions in chapter nine of the text, I believe attitude is of the upmost importance for the successful reference interview. A students courage and trust can vanish if they feel threatened or uncomfortable in anyway . I disagree that SLMS are in an exclusive position that allows them to gather data about their scoop population prior to interviewing". (p. 100). I think this is up to the individual and how much time they have and are willing to commit to get to know their clientele. A spreadsheet of student names and grades is going to tell you little compared to a season dedicated coaching the junior boys basketball team. I also feel the term "exclusive" puts one on the outside, when truly the SLMS wants to be inclusive as much as possible.
Riesling also mentions that non-verbal and verbal communication skills can be practiced to improve the success of the reference interview, but most SLMS that I've encountered do their practicing in real life experiences, where they learn from their mistakes and try to improve on the experience the following time.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Retail therapy

Honestly, when it comes to shopping, be it clothing, household items, kids toys, or items for work, I'm a bit of a shopaholic. Usually it's not the quantity of items that I buy, as much as it is the time spent pondering over things that I "think" I need. I can't see buying resources for the library being much different, regardless if they were print media or online subscriptions. I think the key is, what is readily available to view, and what is highly recommended.
I agree very much with the comments made in this weeks lesson, that a variety of sources for student and teacher use are extremely important. Although I think I might sway towards online media, which is flashy, more fun to use and generally a more all inclusive tool at hand, I am drawn to a good book in hopes that it mysteriously holds all the answers I have been always searching for.
This past week I interviewed a teacher librarian. It was determined that the use of most reference resources in the shelf, other than World Book, and the odd turn of an atlas page, was/is almost obsolete. The TL was confident amid all the resources already in the collection, that an online encyclopedia, perhaps one like Britannica, which has a modified version as well, for weaker readers, would be the most valuable.
So definatly it is still extremely important to collaborate with library users, and deem what the demand is for. A comprehensive catalogue with good reviews would be my best recommendation for buying.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lesson Two: Expectations of the Teacher Librarian

Of the expectations mentioned in the lesson, as well as in Ann Riedling's text, all are extremely important and task worthy of the TL. It reminds me of a tugboat pulling a barge, knowledge and ability to be a successful TL will take much time and effort.
Firstly, knowing your collection is dependent on your input to selecting the resources, and/or taking time to see what is already there. Is this a reasonable task request? Well, it has to be, otherwise you will be of little help to those asking when it is needed. This also ties into the third skill of selecting, organizing and evaluating those resources for each individual problem/inquiry. A TL who has taken the time to get to know their resources well, (where to find them, how to use them, know what benefit they will have) will be more successful and also save time in the long run. Also,  I believe that a competent TL (who has been hired for the job) will have the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently, although both will continue to improve with experience.
As for the research process and effective qualities that are inherent in research, one hopes to recognize and understand them more and more. I know I am beginning as "new blood" to the profession, but already I have learned about several new methods to approach research problems, three in particular mentioned in the chapter; Information Seeking, Big 6, and Research Process. As well, I have recognized the necessary  skills; to "access, comprehend, use and evaluate" (p.6) information.
Patience and positivity, I believe are characteristics of the individual, that are developed not only as a TL, but for me, as a new mother, a TOC searching for work, and as an adult returning to school. These attributes improve with familiarity and passion for what you are doing. But also, they can disappear at the drop of a hat. Try to avoid dropping the hat! Stay current with materials and resources, keep in touch with the support system surrounding you, and get sleep and personal time to refresh!
Finally, I hope one enters the field of TL, in order to share their knowledge and eagerness to apply these skills. Of course this is a reasonable task. It will be a struggle to maintain this desire, as the TL is burdened with new technologies and resources, budget cuts,  and challenging students and co-workers. I think the more one actively participates in the research process, the more knowledge and eagerness they will gain.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Module one- Lesson one Informations Literacy and Reference Services in Schools

I had several thoughts to ponder, since receiving my textbook yesterday. There are alot of emails to keep up with, and its a bit of a scrabble for me to figure out what needs to be done! (he he!) What a coincidence that the topic we have begun with is Reference Service. I need a library media specialist to help me out!

So what is Reference Service? Answer the query, create a term and give appropriate resources. Obviously a very skilled technique when there are so many types and levels of query. I did appreciate the comment about using the maximum number of resources, whether found in books, from people or on the internet. It leads me to believe you can find good sources in many places. Also it was made evident that the specialist must have other valuable skills, such as knowing their collection well, being able to converse with others in an efficient and effective manner, and having competence in what they select and deem as valuable information.
How important it will continue to be, to teach students and inquiring minds how to find information themselves. So much information and so little time for most, guidance reference services should be something taught in schools as a regular class, and even better, offered as a community service class for those interested. All of our lives, we search for information, regardless of our level of education or position.  Information is a necessity.
When does the library teach more that just about "its collection"? When students are using the internet, talking to specialists, searching journals, articles and excerpts outside of their schools, are we teaching them how to find answers in "real life"? It hits the mark when Ann mentions how specialists with regard to reference work and the education of today's students (are) teaching life long learning skills. (p5)
I am looking forward to what has to be said in the text and in discussions, about the processes available to help teach this skill.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Start Line

Composing my first ever blog, while tandem feeding, this could be interesting...
So I will start off with the recommendations of "What I Know.  How can I go wrong??
Currently, as a teacher on call with some experience filling in for librarians, and my ten years experience at the middle school level, I have a general, shall we call it, "illusion" of the librarian's position. My hopes in completing this diploma are that I may one day contribute to the overall importance of the library in today's school. Create a "Garden of Eden" of sorts, where there is something beautiful and inspiring for everyone; a gathering place, a creative space, a haven for some, an enrichment for others.
I realize that there is much to learn about the intricacies of administrating, organizing and running a successful library and program. I also appreciate that much time, team effort and work is necessary.
So here I am, at the beginning.